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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Beware: Ipodding Your Product Is Not Proven Sales Booster

This was recently spotted on multiple blogs including popgadget. I don't know what to think, other than, would I ever even want my honey to wear this?

Original Story here (Thanks, Mia). There is no shortage of wearable iPod cases, including ones incorporated into belts, but the TuneBuckle miraculously manages to look non-geeky enough to actually wear. It's made for the Nano, which is small and thin enough to pass as a normal belt buckle. The key here is that iPod or no iPod, it's a nice belt, made with quality leather and metal, not the glittery spangly plastic or cheap stretch fabric that most wearable cases are stuck onto. Alright, it's still quite geeky, but you'd have to get up fairly close to realize that. Looks like sturdy protection for your iPod too. TuneBuckle is available for pre-order for $49.95, in black or white, but sizes start at 30". Waifs will have to wear their Nano at the hip.

And let's not forget that struggling Levi's who has lost marketshare year over year since 2001 or so just iPodded their highend line in hopes of upping their business. It's only a matter of time before the iPod fad dies and all these marketeers get snow in their face.

This goes back to what I said this Monday.


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