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Monday, January 09, 2006

Forbes Disses User Generated Content

According to Forbes and others Google and Larry Page Unveils Video Download Service. I have a couple problems (ok, one) with the opening of this story by assistant News Editor at Forbes Chris Noon.

First of all, the article is a tad offensive (ok, that's a bit of an overstatement) in that it starts out by making fun of what he calls 'esoterica.' As everybody knows by now user content is going to rule the airwaves very soon. Remember folks like CurrentTV and others.

Anyway, I'd rather learn about the Numa Numa craze "started by a bespectacled teenager flailing wildly to the Moldovan-Romanian pop song Dragostea Din Tei" than the crap on Survivor. He calls "killer" content Survivor?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty amusing article though, you have to admit...

Google vids is really in its early stages, most of the stuff on there may be user content, but Noon's right--it's crap user content (or however he expressed it)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:21:00 PM  
Blogger . said...

Agreed it's in early stages and agreed it's amusing. The thing Google is lacking is community-reviewed/rated content. They base their own content ranking on links (Page Rank) and clicks but probably just a general rating system would help them with that part of the vid system. My hunch is they don't care much about that anymore and more about delivering multimedia entertainment to the masses similar to Comcast.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 2:28:00 PM  

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