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Sunday, January 08, 2006

MacWorld Rumors Don't Wow Me

According to Duncan Martell at Reuters: "Apple may offer new laptops at Macworld."

Seems like there could be something shining more newsflash in terms of rumors at our annual MacWorld lovefest other than new shiny laptops. I know they're in need for a touch of a makeover/refresh but come on, with Apple releasing a new whatever every millisecond it seems like it's pretty likely that they'll be announcing something more exciting, and hopefully not just new 'strategic relationships' with TV Land. And that means Reuters should write something impactful, not just the press release.
Isn't the real story something around the Apple/Google showdown?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the big rumor everyone holding their breath for are intel laptops or intel mac minis - ahead of schedule.

That I think is the real thing thats got the mac geeks hyped up on this MacWorld SF eve. This story doesn't really go to much into it.

So, what's this Google versus Apple thing you speak of?

Monday, January 09, 2006 11:10:00 PM  
Blogger . said...

I still don't understand why this is such a big deal that they're using Intel chips (except that they usually use other vendor's chips), particularly since Intel has been such a laggard versus AMD lately in terms of performance and strategic direction. Why the buzz? Shouldn't the buzz be about what the features of this is? OR should there be buzz at all with every product Apple or Google releases?

Googletalk, for instance, had an enormous amount of buzzworthiness but then we never heard about it again, and it was even barely mentioned with the AOL alliance, when I thought that was the big news, that they're now going to be integrating with AIM. That part seemed to be buried in the hoopla.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 12:02:00 PM  
Blogger . said...

To answer your other question, the Goole v. Apple thing is around their digital video distribution (pay to play). Both will now have competing technologies and perhaps competing business models (though both pay to play)/.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 12:04:00 PM  

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