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Monday, January 09, 2006

MySpace Uprising

This was just as I suspected would happen. I was just surprised how long it would take. Goes to show you how unsavvy most internet users are.

Where oh where are all these users going to go? I personally think LinkedIn is too nerdy and not as fun to use. Friendster is way too dorky. I think what users are about to suffer is calling the 'internet burn' or 'internet burnout'. They've seen so many technologies (both digital and hardware) get bought out, changed, or whatever, that they aren't going to have the patience to continue using it.

Just wait, there is going to be a backlash. You heard it first from The Newscyclist.

I can imagine in the future some sort of mutiny occuring, or major politial wars taking place in cyberspace. This is just be beginning!


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