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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Microsoft and Trust | Bayosphere

Microsoft and Trust | Bayosphere: " *

Submitted by Dan Gillmor on Wed, 02/15/2006 - 2:58pm.

BBC: UK holds Microsoft security talks. UK officials are talking to Microsoft over fears the new version of Windows could make it harder for police to read suspects' computer files. Windows Vista is due to be rolled out later this year. Cambridge academic Ross Anderson told MPs it would mean more computer files being encrypted. He urged the government to look at establishing 'back door' ways of getting around encryptions. The Home Office later told the BBC News website it is in talks with Microsoft.

A backdoor for government snoops will inevitably be a backdoor for abuse -- by governments and the criminals who'll find ways to hack into it as well.

It's incredibly disappointing -- if this story is correct -- that Ross Anderson would be giving such advice. Anderson has been one of people most alert to the dangers of untrammeled spying on our lives. If he's suggesting backdoors, and if they are being created by an unholy alliance of Microsoft and governments, UK citizens are being betrayed.

Meanwhile, we have to assume that such doings are in the works in the U.S. as well. There's no doubt whatever that the Bush administration wants it, and given the coziness between Bush -- who gave Microsoft a pass on its antitrust lawbreaking -- and the"


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