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Sunday, February 12, 2006

Google + My Data = Crazy Conspicuous at FactoryCity

Here is a great rant on privacy concerns on Google. This is really interesting.

Google + My Data = Crazy Conspicuous at FactoryCity: "gle + My Data = Crazy Conspicuous
Published by FactoryJoe 3 days, 21 hours ago in Civil liberties, Society & economy, Technology, Life online, Open source.
Tags: google, googlenet, privacy, surveillance, takebackmydata.

Crazy ConspicuousSee? This is what I was talking about. This is the slow steady systematic decline that I was talking about.

Don’t believe me yet, tha’s coo.

Coz see, now that Google can track your email, your search history, your chats, what comes next? Gee, let’s see. Would be nice if you could go back and grab your cell phone convos right? Oh wait, Gtalk and FON will help there… And where you’ve been? Dodgeball’s got that covered. Hell, you can even map that stuff on Gmaps—or one step bigger—Earth.

So what happens when Google rolls out wifi or flips the switch on all that dark fiber it’s got?

Tell you what, yeah, you’ll be able to get movies downloaded hella fast, but Google will also have the most lucrative person-database ever assembled. That Google credit card you just applied for? Ho ho ho. MAN I wish that kind of information about myself."


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