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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Attention of Strangers

Hi Matt and Adam (no word from Nathan!) and non googlebots!,

Thanks for providing all the feedback on my feedback. OK, OK, I am admittedly happy to have gotten some eyeballs., some ears, etc on my dumb blog. Now click on the ads! Hee hee. (As an aside, the problem with Blogging about Google is then you get Google Ads instead of other PAID ads, and Google doesn't pay you for clicking on Google Ads by Google!). I am not a good business man.

Particularly interesting is that I "met" real human Googlebots. Matt Cutt was passed my info, who probably passed it directly to Adam Lasnic. Nice to meet you all, albeit virtually! OK, we didn't meet, but Adam did respond to my last post. Whoo hoo! Google loves feedback, is the primary message.

So I did some preliminary Googling, of course. (Sorry, I guess I can't use that as a verb, anymore, huh?) Very impressive that Google has this new position, and that he scored the enviable 'first' Search Evangelist' title ever. Shout out to Adam! I think he must keep his cool, where folks like me just start blogging into the wild with wild abandon. I suppose this is why I should just get back to work and shut up. Or get hired by Inquirer or Register and get paid peanuts. No thanks. If I'm going to work for cheap I'm going to start churning out regular old fiction again and not get paid.

Adam, question for you -- is this similar to a PR manager for bloggers? If so can you tell me more about this? I would love to pitch this to my company. No, really.
Here is a snip of Adam's resume:

Search Evangelist – Google, Mountain View, CA, 3/2006 to present

Key roles:

- External communications: Improving and extending Google’s relationship with Webmasters by engaging in online and offline conversations and ensuring such communications are scalable long term.

- Internal communications: Effectively sharing Webmasters concerns, bug reports, and other feedback with pertinent teams throughout the organization and working with engineers and product managers to refine tools and processes to address these issues.

- Index Quality Enhancement: Analyzing Web spam trends and helping colleagues fine tune indexing and ranking algorithms.

- Miscellaneous communications: Assisting teams with various projects.

Adam, is your role parallel to a media communications role in a company, except for bloggers? For those of you who are not in communications, when a reporter calls up a company they have to talk to PR people, rather than go straight to Bill Gates. Is this kind of the same thing except for bloggers (who are the new reporters?)

UPDATE -- OK, I just did more googling. This is old news. Adam has been blogged on plenty. This is why I'm the Newscyclist. I recycle old news and make it new again. I did learn that Matt Cutt, who said he'd pass this information onto Google, actually works at Google. That part was interesting.

Bottom line - I comment Google for getting involved in the blogosphere more. But be careful, it could be a pain in the butt. I have to admit, however, that it does kind of feel like Big Brother. No offense to Adam, though.

And by the way, I LOVE the fact that Google loves feedback. I assume I should detail out my last posting but I don't have time. I got sidetracked, sorry.


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